Master the Art of Brewing Kratom Tea

Master the Art of Brewing Kratom Tea

Brewing kratom tea presents a straightforward and traditional method to experience the advantages of kratom while enjoying a soothing and flavorful infusion.

Opting to brew kratom tea over consuming raw powder offers numerous benefits, including the potential for higher doses of alkaloids with reduced counter-indications. Here's a step-by-step guide to assist you in crafting your very own invigorating kratom tea:

Ingredients and Tools for Making 4 Servings of Kratom Tea (32 oz)

  • Kratom powder or, preferably, rough cut tea: 8-12 grams
  • Water: 40-60 ounces (water loss will depend on how long you simmer).
  • Pot or tea kettle
  • Tea infuser, empty tea bags, rough cut kratom tea bags, or strainer
  • Optional: Lemon or honey for flavor

Steps to Brewing The Perfect Cup of Kratom Tea

  1. Prepare your Kratom Dose: Start by measuring the desired amount of kratom powder and placing it in a tea infuser or empty tea bag. You may also add the powder directly and strain after simmering. A common starting dose is 2 to 3 grams per serving (about 1 teaspoon), but you can adjust based on your preference and experience. If this is your first time using kratom, we would suggest 1.33 grams (1/2 teaspoon). To compare, Hawaii Kratom's Soothing Red Brew Kratom Tea Bags are 2.5 g each. We would recommend using 4 of our tea bags for this 4 serving recipe.
  2. Boil Water: Fill your pot with 40 ounces of water and bring it to a gentle boil. You'll need enough water to cover the kratom powder and allow for evaporation during brewing. Turn the water down to a simmer.
  3. Add Kratom Powder: Once simmering, add your measured kratom powder to the water. Stir gently gently to ensure powder is fully covered in water.
  4. Simmer: Lower the heat to a gentle simmer and let the kratom mixture simmer for about 10 to 15 minutes. For a stronger brew, simmer for longer, up to 2.5 hours. This simmering process helps extract the beneficial compounds from the kratom.
  5. Squeeze or Strain: After simmering, remove the pot from heat and let the mixture cool slightly. If you're using tea bags, gently squeeze them with a spoon. If you're using powder directly, strain the tea into a cup or teapot. This step separates the liquid from the kratom powder. While experienced users might consider consuming the powder for a stronger brew, we don't recommend this approach. To enhance alkaloid intake, consider increasing the tea dosage instead of consuming the powder directly.
  6. Optional Flavoring: You can enhance the taste and effect of your kratom tea by adding a squeeze of lemon (lemon may help potentiate the effects of kratom due to its acidity). A drizzle of honey or other sweeter will help with bitterness, especially when simmering over 15 minutes or at too high of a heat.
  7. Enjoy: Your kratom tea is now ready to be enjoyed. Sip it slowly, allowing the flavors to unfold, and experience the soothing effects of kratom. Start slow. Drink one cup and wait for one hour to see how you feel before consuming another cup.

View All Kratom Tea Recipes


  • When Simmering Tea the ideal temperature is typically around 180°F to 200°F (82°C to 93°C). This temperature range is sufficient to extract the flavors and beneficial compounds from the kratom leaves or powder without reaching a rolling boil, which could potentially make the tea bitter or lead to over-extraction. Simmering at this temperature range allows for a gentle and gradual infusion of flavors while preserving the delicate characteristics of the ingredients.
  • Experiment with Kratom Dosage: Start with a lower dose of kratom and gradually adjust to find the right amount that works best for you. It's important to find your individual "sweet spot." At Hawaii Kratom, we believe less is more and encourage you to read our article about proper kratom dosage.
  • Variation in Effects: Keep in mind that brewing kratom tea might lead to slightly different effects compared to consuming the raw powder. Tea tends to have a milder onset and can be gentler on the stomach. The effects are generally more blissful with chill vibes because the heat will turn most powders to red.
  • Stay Hydrated: Remember to stay hydrated throughout the day, especially if you're consuming kratom tea, as it can have diuretic effects.
  • Beware of Adulterated Products: Always ensure that you're using genuine, reputable kratom products. Be cautious of adulterated or low-quality products that may contain heavy metal, pesticides, mold, etc and may not deliver the intended effects.
  • Avoid Boiling: It's recommended to avoid boiling kratom directly, as excessive heat can potentially degrade some of its active compounds.

Brewing kratom tea is a versatile way to enjoy this botanical's benefits while savoring its flavors. Adapt the process to your preferences and enjoy the comforting ritual of making kratom tea.

Now that you're a pro at brewing kratom tea, why not try the Ultimate Kratom Tea Recipe?

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